Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Hemingway Editor + Ginger

Hemingway Editor + Ginger = Paradise (almost)

Hemingway Editor, Ginger Grammary checker, Grammarly, Chrome Extension, Spell checker, Style CheckerA few months ago, I published a blog about how to use the free Hemingway Editor and Grammarly’s free grammar checker together. Both are powerful tools for writers – the Hemingway app focuses on readability by highlighting unnecessary words and complex, overly long sentences even if they are grammatically correct. In contrast, Grammarly will identify many of the grammatical errors in your work.
Great news! There is another grammar checker you can now use with the Hemingway Editor if you are not fond of Grammarly. You can now use the free Ginger grammar checker with the Hemingway app. It is super easy.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Star Wars's Rogue One and Lonely Hunter: Strange Coincidences

Rogue One and Lonely Hunter: Strange Coincidences

Rogue One, Star Wars, Science Fiction Movies, Sci Fi Movies, Best Sellers, Bestsellers, Science Fiction Bestsellers, Lonely Hunter novel, End War

Rogue One: A Short Review

I took my four teenage daughters to see the sci fi movie “Rogue One” a few days ago. There were some really strange coincidences between the movie and my forthcoming novel, Lonely Hunter. But first, some thoughts on Rogue One.
None of my kids are particularly dialed into Star Wars, but a few have seen a prior movie or two. I’ve seen four of them (swore I’d never go to another one after Clone Wars). Three of my kids enjoy various Sci Fi-ish flicks from time to time such as Hunger Games, Inception, the Marvel franchise, Transformers, etc. We all thought the trailer looked interesting, so we gave it a shot.
The consensus coming out was that it was underwhelming at best. But what was really weird were the number of coincidences with my own novel.
Overall, we thought Rogue One just disappointingly predictable. In particular, the dialog often seemed stilted and expository. And their tactical sense as soldiers was nil (to be gentle), which is not just a nitpick; the extra stupid behavior was needed to perpetuate the plot.
I suppose the writers did what they could given that it had to feather into the follow on movie plots (which they did do effectively), but it was hard to get emotionally invested. I did think Jyn was more dynamic than most Star Wars characters, at least at first. Once she took up the cause and charged toward the final climactic fight, it felt too much like a rerun of another Marvel or Bruce Willis movie.
But what really caught my attention were the similarities to Lonely Hunter. After a long hiatus from creative writing, I started my novel in Dec of 2013 and completed it the first draft by February of 2014. I have revised it extensively over the last three years, to include sending it through the online writing workshop, CritiqueCircle twice. Here are the strange coincidences...

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Descriptive Writing, Agency, Telling Details, and Adjectives

Descriptive Writing, Agency, Telling Details, and Adjectives

Descriptive Writing

As I continue to edit my work in progress and think about meeting readers’ expectations, especially when it comes to descriptive writing, I recently came across and interesting review of Peter Mendelsund’s What We See When We Read, “a book that explores how people imagine and remember the things they read.”
I’ve always been loath to write (and dislike reading) detailed descriptions of characters and settings. I’m OK with details that surface as the story progresses when they are relevant, but one of the fastest ways for me to lose interest in a book or story is a front-loaded block of description sentences which have no other purpose, and an abundance of adjectives and adverbs. She was tall and had green eyes. She stepped over the puddles with her long legs while smiling at Bob, showing off her perfect, white teeth… Ugh.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

How to use ACX to make an Audible Audiobook

My Experience Using ACX to make an Audible Audiobook

acx, audiobook, books on tape, audible, AudibleACX, audio book, create audiobook, how to create an audiobook, making an audiobook, how to make an audio bookSince I recently released my first audio book, I thought I’d provide a summary of my experience publishing an audiobook via Amazon’s ACX Audible to help anyone headed down the same path. The book has gotten strong reviews on Amazon and Goodreads, but I wanted to make it available so people could hear it as well as read it on their Kindle Fire.
None of us want to fail as writers or have to admit to our families and friends that after all our hours in seclusion banging out our manuscripts they failed to sell even 10 copies. That is the height of embarrassment that none of us want to experience. As an indie publisher, it is critical that we understand what we are getting ourselves into and how to be successful before we start. This is doubly true as I am writing a book, and I hope this second one is even more successful than my first.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Cormac McCarthy and The Road -- A Review

The Road: A Review

The Road, Cormac McCarthy
The Road. Indeed. It is a road, a journey, a trek through hell, but is both more and less than that. Less than that meaning: Cormac McCarthy presents bleak as no other writer can. While I was reading it, several times I thought that I’ll never again believe a writer who uses the word “hopeless” to describe the plight of their character. In The Road, there is nothing but hopelessness. Almost. Which leads to where I struggled with this novel. 

Friday, August 17, 2018

The New AutoCrit editing software: A Review

The New AutoCrit editing software: A Review

AutoCrit review
I have written about grammar checkers and style checkers before. I continue to believe they are a powerful tool in a writer’s tool bag. AutoCrit has revised their editing software product and has an active marketing campaign underway. I signed up for their trial membership for $1 for a week. Yesterday I spent about 3 hours working on my upcoming novel with their cloud-based app. In the end, I had two strong opinions about their updated writing software.
Before I go on, I want to emphasize that I do not have any affiliate relationship with anyone. So everything I say below is my own opinion without any influence from any third parties. 

Thursday, August 16, 2018

The Girl, The Girl, The Girl! How to write a Bestseller?

How to write a Bestseller? The Girl, The Girl, The Girl

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Gone Girl, The Girl on the Train, Bestsellers, Best sellers, Amazon
A recent article argued that there is a formula to writing bestsellers. The article says the algorithm is “built to predict, with 80 percent accuracy, which novels will become mega-bestsellers. What does it like? “Young, strong heroines who are also misfits (the type found in The Girl on the TrainGone Girl, and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo). No sex, just ‘human closeness.’ Frequent use of the verb ‘need.’ Lots of contractions. Not a lot of exclamation marks. Dogs, yes; cats, meh.” So if you are writing a novel and want to trump your competition, you should abide what this book says, right? Let’s see how I’m doing with my upcoming science fiction novel:
* Young, strong, heroine — check.
* Misfit — check.
* No sex — this one is an in betweener…you’ll have to read the novel to understand.
* Human closeness — check.
* Frequent use of the verb “need” — hmm… 154 times in a novel of 116k words…I can work on this one.
* Lots of contractions — I probably need more, so this is fixable.
* Not a lot of exclamation marks — I’ve got too many. I can fix this.
* Dogs — Several of them.
* Cats — One. Dead.
I suppose if I put an image of a young woman on the cover… Bestseller, here I come!

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Book Publishing: Should you Self-Publish or go with Traditional Publishing?

Book Publishing: Should you Self-Publish or go with Traditional Publishing?

Publishing Contract
Traditionally Publish or Self-Publish? This is a more complex question than it first appears. You also have to answer 1) What are your objectives? 2) What are you willing to do/not do yourself to help sell your book(s)?
I have modest experience with both traditional and self-publishing: 20 years ago I wrote a novel, printed it, put it in a box and sent it to what back then was a medium size, independent publisher of military history that was trying to break into the fiction market. I had no agent and put a letter in the box to the effect of ‘let me know if you want to publish this.’ A few weeks later I got a thick envelope back. They loved the book and had sent me contracts for it and two more books. I signed all three contracts and they sent me advances for all three.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Using Keywords in your Book Title and Subtitle to help Ramp your Book Sales on Amazon

How to use Keywords in your Book Title and Subtitle to help Ramp your Book Sales

Amazon Author Central
As a self-publisher (or indie publisher), you not only have to write well, you have to be good at every aspect of production and marketing if you want to sell any books. I’ve taught myself much about book publishing, but there is much more to learn. One of the most important things I have learned is that picking the right keywords for your title and subtitle on Amazon allow you to tap into the massive amount of traffic that is already on Amazon’s site.
This is really important to understand. Optimizing for keywords may be an arcane science, but keywords are what your potential customers use to find what they want. These are people who are already shopping to buy a book, and if your book is in their genre, the book they see might as well be your book. Much (but not all) of the success summarized in the graph above is because I fine-tuned the keywords in my subtitle to get more interested traffic.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Writing a novel?

Writing a novel? Warning: Bad Days Ahead

bike ride, endurance sports
I think about writing like I think about long distance biking. I (used) to do a century (100-mile) bike ride about once every other month and even tried a double century (but only made it 172 miles  ). Tour de France rider I am not.
The analogy is this: Writing is a long-haul exercise, just like any endurance sport. And if you are into endurance sports you know you are going to hit really bad times along the way. It’s going to happen. You have to be ready for it, or you will give up when you hit the hard times.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

An update on publishing End War: Lonely Hunter

Archers, Lonely Hunter, Crossbow
I don’t normally post about WIP (Works In Progress). However, I thought I’d provide an update on how End War: Lonely Hunter is progressing. It is my first full-length Science Fiction novel. To be honest, I’m a bit burnt out at the moment. Between a demanding full-time job (that has nothing to do with writing), blogging, relentlessly growing my understanding about how self-publishing works, continuing to promote my first novel (to include finishing up the audiobook), and working on Lonely Hunter and its four sequels…I’m smoked.
By way of an update, here is some history: I’m not sure what constitutes a draft or a full edit — I’ve always wondered what other people mean when they say this — but I wrote the first pass of my 70k-word novel Lonely Hunter between Dec ’13 and Mar ’14. That includes many nights of tweaking, rereading and rewriting entire chapters, etc. I then wrote the sequel in the next two months. It also went through lots of tweaks and scrubbing. At that point, I started farming both out to family and beta readers, and I started the first novel through CritiqueCircle’s novel system (CC is an online writing workshop). And I went to work writing big chunks of the 3rd novel in the series at the same time.
I share this detail because along the way I came to believe that though the first novel was a coherent story, and though the writing was more or less sound (and a professional editor could polish it further), the story lacked a rich, interwoven texture. That may sound vague and airy, but to my eyes, it was under-delivering the most important thing a story must have: emotion.
Having written the next two books in the series, and then outlining the final two, I developed a deep understanding of what the story was about, and the MCs’ dilemmas that would power the plot.
So after all the feedback I got from sending it through CC (which was hugely helpful, but very “tactical”), and a few concise sentences from some beta readers that cut to the heart of the matter, I began rewriting Lonely Hunter,and I did a lot of cutting…and adding…until it is now 115K words long. And then I sent it through CC again, which always involves a lot of additional writing, rewriting and editing.
Starting two weekends ago, I began reviewing all the feedback (almost 100K words of it!) I’ve gotten from its second trip through CC. After I get through all of that, then I’ve got a page with about 20 bullets of things I want to go back through and clean up, add (to include two short scenes), delete, make consistent, smooth out, etc.
After that, I’ll probably read it cover to cover four or five times tweaking it further. Then I’ll drag it through an online “style checker” to root out the passive voice, overused phrases, adverbs, etc., that I can no longer see.
Next, I’ll have an automated Text-To-Speech engine read it to me. Invariably you’ll catch new gaffs and strange sounding sentences when you hear your words. You will catch things your eyes can no longer see.
And after that, off to my editor for her to work on it for a month. She is very strong and accomplished. It will cost some money, but in the end it will be worth it. She will catch things that I still have missed, and she’ll clean up clunky sentences and confused syntax.
Once it comes back, I’ll probably pre-release it while I read it through another four or five times. Concurrently I’ll be driving all the marketing and promo activities as hard as I can in prep for the day it goes live.
I have already secured the cover artwork, but I’m still working on integrating it into the cover text. Fortunately one of my daughters is an accomplished artist, so she is helping me with it.
And then…probably around November, I’ll publish it. That night I’m going to drink too much and dance around the room and cry for a while. And before I go to bed I’ll be working on the next one.
So…call it three years to get my first full-length novel out.  I’d like to think #2 will only be one year behind it. #3 will be at least a year behind #2; it is a big and complicated beast.
Check out a few chapters from Lonely Hunter.

Indie Book Reviews (And Learning How to Write a Book?)

Indie reviews, selfpublish reviews, book reviews
One of my goals this year was to read more indie/self-published novels. Part of my motivation was to study them to help me learn how to better write a book. My own novel is progressing, and I do read about the craft and some classic works of fiction. But sometimes it is good to look at the not so good to better understand what does and does not work. So far I’ve read seven novels and novellas. That is not a huge sample size, but it is big enough that I wanted to provide some summary thoughts. And these books are not randomly selected from Amazon. Let me explain….
The books I picked were already in a narrowly defined group. First, they are books that were being touted by their authors at a Goodreads Group Review Initiative, that I’ve written about before. So — at the risk of doing some speculating here — these are authors that are generally more conscientious and self-critical of their work and that are probably better writers than most indies.
Second, like any consumer, I checked the reviews before I bought and read any of these books. I looked at a lot more than just these seven. If the average review “score” was less than 3.5 “stars” or if I saw what looked like purchased reviews, I would not buy it.
These criteria don’t mean the books were best in class, but it does mean they were better than the average indie book. That said, a few observations:
For the most part, they are discernible stories with distinct beginnings, middles, and ends. And I found them all engaging in one way or another.
The downside was that on average (there were a couple exceptions) the editing was spotty. I’m not just talking about grammar issues (there were some of those) and typos (a few books had some), but more subtle things such as overuse of certain phrases (“Obviously,…”), repeated sentence structure, paragraphs that started with the same word, etc. These were not story killers, but they became distracting in a few of the stories.
My only other complaint about the group as a whole was that they lacked a rich, interwoven feel that smart use of foreshadowing, metaphors, and other traditional literary devices can give a text. The stories tended to be very linear and to the point, so to speak; they felt very contemporary and lacking the extra dimension you feel when you read a great book.
Overall, though, they were engaging and generally enjoyable. Below I’ve posted all the reviews (with their typos 🙁 ) so you don’t have to dig them up on Amazon and see what I said about each. I gave “star” grades of between 3 and 5 stars, with an average of 3.9 “stars”.
Below I’ve posted all the reviews so you don’t have to dig them up on Amazon and see what I said about each.
Iron William
4.0 our of 5 stars. A Fun Adventure
Michael Gardner’s “Iron William” is a fun, swashbuckling romp.
Occasionally I step out of my usual genres to see what else is out there. More often than not, I won’t finish the book. This one was an exception. Though short, it was an enjoyable and very fresh story which I read while on a plane. It seems a cross between the Indian Jones and the Three Musketeers movies.
Other reviewers have largely summarized the story, so I won’t do that again, and I won’t share any spoilers other than to say that it is more complex and clever than you’d likely expect in a volume this slim.
The editing was strong (far better than you see in most indie books, and good by any measure), but I was most impressed by the writing. It was creative without becoming overly complex or purple. Just one example: “They trailed the musketeers along the Marne River, where poplars carved the afternoon sunlight into amber beams.” Simple, descriptive, fresh.
My only quibble – and it is one for which I’m admittedly a stickler – was that on several occasions the events were so improbable that things happened the way they did to continue the story. Given that this is a frolicking adventure, this is not a major issue, but it did give me pause on several occasions.
Recommended for an hour of fun reading. A solid 4 ‘stars’ and confidence that you’ll enjoy it if you are into such tales.
Fearsome Creatures
3.0 out of 5 stars
Creative and nicely drawn — and very dangerous — environments, 11 May 2016
I’ve long enjoyed HP Lovecraft and related writers of horror fiction, especially when slanted toward or overtly science fiction, so I looked forward to reading Fearsome Creatures by David B. Ross. There was much to like here: The writing was quite good, and the environments and “creatures” were all thoughtfully and creatively presented.
As others have noted, this short book is divided into four stories, of which the first is by far the longest. Though I won’t provide any spoilers, I will say that the though the first story’s characters were carefully and thoughtfully drawn as unique (almost too much time was spent on the various background of each), the other three stories were noticeably lacking in characterization.
One consistent aspect of all was that the “creatures” are not driven by malicious intent. Ross is arguably realistic in how he creates and then presents how creatures from different environments could be lethal – gruesomely so – to humans. Though I applaud this somewhat naturalistic approach, it also limits the emotional drama.
Overall, though I think it well written and immensely creative at times, I can’t give it more than 3 stars because I never found it particularly engaging, which the frequent POV shifts contributed to.
Leaving Traces: Between Time and the Stars (Serial Time Travel Romance)
4.0 out of 5 stars
Innovative and finely crafted tale of time travel, 25 April 2016
Moreland’s “Leaving Traces: Between Time and the Stars” is an innovate and carefully crafted work of imagination. It seems to be a relatively fresh take on “time” travel, though the experiences of the subject cover much more than time. As I read it, I was reminded more than a few times of the work of HP Lovecraft, so I was not surprised to see a reference to Edgar Allen Poe in the text given that Lovecraft studied Poe and considered him one of the great writers. As I read, I was also reminded of another, much more obscure text: the story told on the cover of the 1974 Genesis double-album, “The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway.” Much like the works of Poe and Lovecraft, the story on the album cover is a fantastic (and at times horrific) voyage into the timeless and impossible.
And this leads to my one quibble with the story. As with Poe and Lovecraft (though that is great company to keep), whenever a writer attempts to present the unimaginable, the prose can become abstract and vague. At times, I was unable to comprehend the essence of some scenes when the descriptions became too fantastic. There were some, of course, that were clear (and bizarre), but too often I struggled.
The story does have a definitive beginning, middle, and end, and there is more danger than it first seems. The short length made it difficult to get too deeply engaged with the main character, but as her sense of peril increased through the story, it kept me engaged.
Certainly an innovative and engaging read as a new twist on an old idea.
The Queen and the Dagger: A Book of Theo novella
4.0 out of 5 stars
A well-written and nicely paced story of palace intrigue, 18 Feb. 2016
Melainie Anseley’s “The Queen and The Dagger” is an engaging novella of a young woman’s coming of age in trying times and in a palace thick with familial intrigue (no surprise, given the title), albeit a family of rabbits. It is an engaging cast of characters, each with unique aspects and motivations. Together they provide variety and surprises as the main character, Indigo, struggles to navigate the hand she is dealt as she hopes to ascend to the throne.
I found the text nicely formatted and the story well-written and nicely paced. The writing was concise and fresh: “The next day Indigo rose with the sun, knowing sleep was impossible. A strengthening wind had already scraped the sky to a clean, hardened blue.”
The story is set in a rich and detailed universe. Clearly the author has carefully developed and imagined the setting. And the loyalties and betrayals make sense as the story progresses. Indigo matures and learns as her perceptions of herself and her role evolve through the story.
Though the story could have been a simple coming of age/wronged princess finds her way, it is more complex than that as Indigo struggles with conflicting desires. I won’t spoil the ending, but what she thinks she wants when she starts and where she winds up are not exactly the same thing.
The volume of characters and their unique names put me off a bit, and several times I suspected that I would have enjoyed the story more if it were told with people rather than animals (though it would have been much less unique). But those are minor complaints about a well-written and fun story that will keep you engaged and guessing about the ending.
The Panchatantra Retold: Part 3 – Kakolukiyam
5.0 out of 5 stars
A well written and engaging collection of interwoven folk stories from India, 2 Feb. 2016
I found this short book delightful and well prepared.
The book – nicely illustrated by the author – is a retelling of some of ancient India’s oral folklore. As the author explains: “In the Sanskrit language…the Panchatantra is a collection of witty and entertaining folk-tales from Ancient India, involving both humans and anthropomorphic animals that are meant to represent certain types of humans.” She explains the story by noting that “Each section begins with a main tale or frame story, in which one character begins narrating a new tale to another character to prove his/her point, and the listener then takes his/her turn to begin yet another tale to make his/her point. The stories thus develop from one another and are interwoven together. This was a common practice of story-telling in Ancient India.”
I am a writer and well-read, and I’ve lived in Asia and traveled in India, but I make no pretense of understanding the social or literary impact or importance of these folk stories. From a purely entertainment perspective – as a reader – I can say these are well told, well presented and very engaging. The book is not long; it only took me about an hour or so to read. And the drawing, though simplistic, nicely illustrate the main characters and dramatic situations.
It is certainly not your typical American fare, but it is well written and an engaging departure. …the owls and crows have a score to settle!
Under A Blood Moon (The Alex Hayden Chronicles Book 1)
3.0 out of 5 stars
An urban vampire romp, 25 Jan. 2016
Occasionally I like to read outside my normal genres, so when given the opportunity to read and share an honest review of Under A Blood Moon (The Alex Hayden Chronicles Book 1), by Michael Andrews, I looked forward to the chance to do so.
This is what I would call a paranormal, urban, vampire, action-adventure story. The main character is a century-old vampire in a 14-year old’s body. And without giving away any spoilers, the story progresses through an almost police detective mystery to a climactic final confrontation.
The story seems to heavily leverage readers’ expectations for such stories, which is fine, and most genre fiction does. But there is also a lot of vampire lore and “world building” to explain many aspects of why things are the way they are, and which vampire has done which other vampire wrong, etc. I found it a bit tedious.
Though I thought the main character mildly engaging and unique, for the most part, the plot seemed predictable. Several of the secondary characters were also interesting, but the bad guys were mostly bad and wanted to take over the world. And several times the plot was propelled forward by highly improbable events and coincidences…of course it is a book about vampires, so I guess that is okay. I did struggle with the poor editing. I’m a writer, too, so maybe I hold other writers to higher standards. In any event, there are too many gaffs to give the book more than 3 stars.
In sum, if you are into such things, it is probably an enjoyable romp. For readers who are not already primed for such stories, I suspect you will struggle to finish this one.
Hospital Hill: A Novel
4.0 out of 5 stars
Rich prose, a complex main character, and strong sense of atmosphere, 14 Jan. 2016
When I came across Anderson’s Hospital Hill, I could not resist. My parents were both clinical psychologists who worked with institutionalized patients. And as a child, I grew up across the street from an abandoned hospital that we used to sneak into and wander on stormy nights. Seemed like perfect prerequisites for enjoying this novel.
The writing was exquisite. Anderson’s ability to cast rich prose was impressive. There were many sentences that were fresh while remaining clear and simple.
A second strength was the presentation and development of her main character. This was a complex, multi-faceted figure with internal and external motivations that logically drove the story forward.
Additionally, between the thoughtful writing and the author’s clear understanding of the physical aspects of the primary setting, the novel has a very strong sense of atmosphere, very much like you are there in the story.
The two strikes against the novel, and why I won’t give it 5 stars, is what I consider a highly improbable sequence of events over the last fourth of the novel, and a surprising number of typos and other gaffs. In the first instance, though, I won’t spoil the story, it felt like a story that had flowed very logically and coherently suddenly veered to the improbable and fantastic enabled by the most improbable coincidences and unlikely accomplishments.
On the second count, there were a distracting number of simple typos that repeatedly tripped me up and knocked me out of the story. A few hours in the hands of a rigorous copy editor could really polish the writing into a gem.
In sum, four stars on the strength of the writing. Rich and engaging. I’m sure as Anderson continues to write, her storytelling will only get stronger.